Firstly, hello to anyone still following me, and my very lacks blog. I would like to thank you all for sticking with me, even though my posting is extremely sporadic. I really want to turn this blog into something great. (I do believe I have said this before.) I am just not sure what to post. Do I keep this strictly Filofax, or do I just post what matters to me, now matter what it is.
I also tried my hand at You Tube. I am not sure if I will continue with my channel or not. I would love to make more Filofax videos, as they are some of my favourites to watch, but I just feel like perhaps they are not the quality they should be. I only have an IPhone and a PC, so I don't know if that makes the best combination, and I am really not very tech savvy so I don't really know what I am doing lol.
I am afraid this post doesn't make much sense at all. I am hoping, as I said to post more here. I do have a promised post coming for my dear friend Deborah, and I will do an update on my Filofax. But then I think about it and the sounds of making a video seem so much easier.....UGH....perhaps I should just leave the social media stuff to the experts and watch from afar..........